Janez Urevc

Web, Software and random stuff.

Blog design refreshed

Today I am very excited! A while ago I asked my friend David Ličen to help me improve appearance and UX for my personal blog. He carefully observed my desires and added some of his own ideas. When we agreed on the initial mock he proceeded with the theme implementation.

He finished his part a while ago. I needed to tweak few other things on the back-end too, which took me way too long to do. Today I finally decided to finish this and deployed the changes to the live website.

How do you like it?


We had great and productive time at NYC sprint!

As you may already heard a big free software conference, Open camps happened at the United nations headquarters in New York last week. As part of the NYC Drupal camp, which was just one of the many camps that happened during it, a week-long Drupal 8 media sprint was held.

Media team had great time there and I would like to share our impressions with you.
