YouTube download
enDownload DrupalCon session recordings for offline viewing
<span>Download DrupalCon session recordings for offline viewing</span>
<span><span lang="" about="" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="" xml:lang="">slashrsm</span></span>
<span>Mon, 27.05.2013 - 20:45</span>
<div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>After great <a href="">DrupalCon Portland</a> I had to fly home. And it was a VERY long (10h+) transatlantic flight, so I decided to download some videos on my laptop and watch them during my flight. I could use a service like <a href=""></a>, but since I selected 20+ videos I needed something smarter. After a quick search I found great python script, called <a href="">youtube-dl</a>, that can download videos from YouTube and <a href="">various other sources</a>. Install on Ubuntu was straightforward:</p>
<p><code>sudo apt-get install youtube-dl </code></p>
<p>Install on other platforms should be almost as easy as this. You just need Python interpreter and script that you <a href="">download</a> from their site. There is also an executable for Windows.</p>
<p>In order to download videos I just needed get video's URL and this command:</p>
<p><code>youtube-dl -f 35 -t ""</code></p>
<ul><li><strong>-f 35</strong> tells I wanted to download 480p flv version (see manpage for other codes)</li>
<li><strong>-t</strong> filename of downloaded file should illustrate video's title instead of ID</li>
<li><strong>"<a href=""">"</a>;</strong> video's URL (script know how to follow redirects, ...)</li>
</ul><p><span style="line-height: 1.538em;">Now I created shell script with an array of all videos that I wanted to download and loop that was running youtube-dl for each of them. Script did it's job during my last night in hotel and I was all set for my flight.</span></p>
<p>Sweet :)</p>
Mon, 27 May 2013 18:45:52 +0000slashrsm59 at