On Friday, 2nd Oct 2015, we organized the first virtual media sprint. Four sprinters showed up and worked on D8 media issues.
First a bit of background
At Examiner.com we get an entire day to spend (along with contributions that we do as part of our regular work) on community contributions every other week. We call it "Drupal day" and we love it! It is our way of saying "Thank you!" to the community. We understand that we wouldn't be as successful as we are without incredible efforts that are invested in Drupal and other free software projects we use.
We are currently working on a very cool D8 project where we heavily use modules from media ecosystem. I might write another post solely about that in the near future. My companies' need for solid media handling solution aligns very nicely with my personal interest in the same field. As a result of that I spend most of my Drupal days on improving media ecosystem and thinking about it. Having a day to focus on things that excite you is great, but what if there would be more people joining?
This is when idea for virtual sprint was born. I published the event on our group and invited everyone to join me.
On the actual date three other sprinters joined me:
- @primsi was converting Entity browser's modal display to use iFrame internally. We decided for this step back in July at NYC Camp sprint. It will hopefully make Entity browser much more robust and stable. Pull request is almost ready. We still need to figure out some things in part of the JS code that deals with modal manipulation. We could use some help from people that are better in JS development than we are.
- @woprrr was working on his Image widget crop module which creates nice image cropping experience on top of Crop API, which provides common storage for all cropping solutions. Module is already working very well and I'll encourage everyone to give it a look. @woprrr also used this module for his Drupal.org project application. Helping him with pushing his issue forward would be nice way of thanking him for his work ;).
- @Dragan Eror reviewed and tested Image widget crop module and started working on Media entity metadata mapping configuration UI.
- I (@slashrsm) spent most of the day converting Media entity validation UI to constraints and implementing this change in Media entity Twitter provider module. I also created follow-ups in all other provider modules (Instagram, Embeddable video, Image, Slideshow) which are suitable for any new contributors looking for issues to get involved in media initiative.
How to contribute?
Anyone is invited to contribute also outside of official sprints. We tag all our issues with "D8Media", which helps us maintain list of all issues we need to work on. We also maintain a list of issues suitable for new contributors. You can find us on IRC (#drupal-media @ Freenode) and a lot of Drupal events (BADCamp and Drupal camp Vienna in the nearest future).
In order to get an idea about the focus of individual modules we also invite you to check module-specific roadmap planning meta-issues:
We will be adding more of those soon.
Will there be more?
We'd certainly like to organize more virtual (and non-virtual) sprints in the future if we'll see interest from the community/sprinters. Do you think there should be more events like this? Would you like to join us next time? Let us know in the comments section below. You can also follow our group as we publish all events and other updates there.